Optimized network serialization to generate less garbage and cause less stutters.Save/Workshop file "Search" is now much faster with less chance of a hard lock up.Reduced ram usage by about ~100 MB thanks to shader stripping.Greatly reduced the lock up when spawning lots of objects, such as when loading a save file.Grouping individual cards will now give the formed deck any tags which all the cards share.If enabled you can still type higher numbers by starting with a 0. Changed misc option / console command "keyboard_single_digit_draw" to "keyboard_single_digit_by_default" - it is now used whenever you type on any component (e.g.Rotation values now store their data as strings instead of objects in the save file.May be set to OFF to allow clicking away from the chat input field without losing partially written chat messages. Added "chat_input_clear_on_dismiss" console property.Added Custom Music to the save file "Search" to make it easier to bring over music from one save to another.Renamed save file "Expand" to "Search" to better reflect what it does.Broadcast message now appear at the top to better match up with the sliding out animation and fades out smoother.The default is now 3 and can be changed in the console and misc settings. Added support for multiple auto save files.Updated Unity to 2019.4.23 for bug and stability improvements.Rewind now works for promoted players instead of just the host.Rewind states now are only being created if something has changed since the last rewind state.Can now see the number of time steps in each direction.

Can now rewind time in multiple steps with the new time slider.Rewind and fast-forward has been revamped with better controls and more information.Fixed cloud manager folders not showing up until you open the cloud manager one more time.Fixed cloud manager reseting to the root path every time you upload or delete something.Cloud manager can now upload multiple files at once using the new native file browser.Cloud Management should overall work much better and be less frustrating to use.Added console command file_browser_native and also added it to the misc settings menu.VR still uses the built-in file browser to ensure interaction still works.The native file browser supports selecting multiple files where applicable.Added a native file browser as an alternative to the built-in one.If you have any feedback of suggestions of your own you can head on over to Native File Browser Since going live we have implemented 96 suggestions left by the community on nolt!

We have found the feedback website to be instrumental in helping us work on the most important features and the fixes you guys would like to see, and we will continue to use this for our future updates.
This patch we wanted to focus on bug fixing, optimizations, and working through the feedback the community has provided for us on our new feedback website:
Update v13.1 Native File Browser, Cloud Manager & Rewind Time Improvements, Optimizations, and much more!